Saturday, December 18, 2021

Time related Words.

Today           —  aujourd'hui (aw-zhoor-DWEE)

Yesterday    —  hier (YEHR)

Tomorrow      demain (duh-MANG)

This week    —  cette semaine (set SMEN)

Last week    —  la semaine dernière (lah SMEN dehr-NYEHR)

Next week    —  la semaine prochaine (lah SMEN proh-SHEN)

Some Useful Phrases, related to time.

 Some Useful Phrases are under. Which we can use to define time.

le matin (luh mat-TANG)
in the morning
dans la matinée (dahn lah mah-TEEN-ay)
l'après-midi (lah-PRAY-mee-dee)
le soir (luh SWAH)
in the evening
dans la soirée (dahng la SWAH-ray)
la nuit (lah nwee)

maintenant (mang-NAHNG)
plus tard (ploo TAHR)
avant (AH-vahng)

hebdomadaire (eb-doh-ma-DAYR)
mensuel (mang-suu-ELL)
annuel (an-uu-ELL)

la nuit (lah nwee)
__ minute(s)
__ minute(s) (mee-NUUT)
__ hour(s)
__ heure(s) (eur)
__ day(s)
__ jour(s) (zhoor)
__ week(s)
__ semaine(s) (smen)
__ month(s)
__ mois (mwa)
__ year(s)
__ année(s) (ah-NAY)

How to tell time in French.

 It is very easy to tell the time in French language. Here are some useful sentences. Which can help you to understand the method of telling time.

six o'clock PM
six heures du soir (sees er dew SWAR), dix-huit heures
quarter to seven
sept heures moins le quart, dix-huit heures quarante-cinq
quarter past seven
sept heures et quart, dix-neuf heures quinze
half past seven
sept heures et demi, dix-neuf heures trente
minuit (mee-NWEE)

one o'clock AM
une heure du matin (ewn er dew ma-TANG)
two o'clock AM
deux heures du matin (duz er dew ma-TANG)
midi (mee-DEE)
one o'clock PM
une heure de l'après-midi (ewn er duh la-pre-mee-DEE), treize heures
two o'clock PM
deux heures de l'après-midi (duz er duh la-pre-mee-DEE), quatorze heures

Useful everyday words and phrases in French

 Some useful words, which we can use in daily life are under :

YesOui.   (WEE)
NoNon.     (NOHNG)
PleaseS'il vous plaît.    (seell voo PLEH)
Thank youMerci.    (mehr-SEE)
You're welcomeDe rien.     (duh RYANG)
Excuse me (getting attention)S'il vous plaît (seell voo PLEH)
Excuse me (you're in my way)Pardon. (pahr-DOHNG)

I'm sorryDésolé(e). (day-zoh-LAY)
I don't understandJe ne comprends pas. (ZHUH nuh kohm-PRAHNG pah)
I can't speak French [well].Je ne parle pas [bien] français. (zhuh nuh PAHRL pah [byahng] frahng-SEH)
Do you speak English? Parlez-vous anglais? (PAHR-lay VOOZ ahng-LEH?)
Is there someone here who speaks English? Est-ce qu'il y a quelqu'un ici qui parle anglais? (ess keel-ee-AH kel-KUHNG ee-SEE kee PAHRL ahng-LEH?)
Where's the toilet?Où sont les toilettes ? (OOH sohng lay twa-LEHT?)
Help!Au secours ! (os-KOOR!)
Look out!
Excuse me (begging pardon)
Attention! (ah-TAHNG-see-ohng)
Excusez-moi. (ehks-kuu-zay MWAH)

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Male to female change in Noun—Changement d'homme à femme dans le nom

Rule —1.

We can change any word male to female with the help of adding ‘e’ in the end of the word.

Example — 

1. Grand — Grande

2. Petit    —    Petite

Rule —2.

If there is ‘s’ in the end of the word, We can change ‘s’ into ‘sse’ to change Singular to Plural.

Rule —3

If there is ‘e’ in the end of any word, then spelling will be same for female noun.

Rule —4

If there is ‘eur’ in the end of any word. Then ‘eur’ will be changed into the ‘euse’

Example —

Chanteur — Chanteuse

Rule —5

If there is ‘L’ in the end of any word, The ‘L’ will be change into the ‘LLe’

Rule —6

If there is ‘cteur’ in the end of any word, then ‘cteur’ will be changed into the ‘ctrice’

Example —

Acteur (male actor) — Actrice (Female actor)

Rule —7

If there is ‘eau’ in the end of any word, then ‘eau’ will be changed into ’elle’.

Example —

Beau (handsome for male noun) — Belle (for female noun)

Rule —8

If any word ends with ‘en’, then ‘en’ will be changed into ‘enne’.

Example —

Indien — Indienne

Rule —9

If any word end with ‘on’, then ‘on’ will be changed into ‘onne’.

Example —

Bon — Bonne

Rule — 10

If any word ends with ‘er’, then ‘er’ will be changed into ‘ère’

Singular to Plural Change in Noun- Changement du singulier au pluriel dans le nom

Rules of change singular to plural noun are following. We can change any singular noun into the plural with the help of these formulas.

1.   If there is no ‘s’ word in the end of the noun then we add ‘s’ word in the end of the noun to change the Noun Singular to Plural.


Singular — J’ai un liver

Plural — Nous avons des livres.

2.    The there are ‘s’, ‘x’ or ‘z’ in the end of the noun, then spelling for the Plural noun will be same.

Example —

Singular                —            Plural

Bas                        —            Bas

Croix                    —            Croix

Nez                        —            Nez

3.    If there is  ‘al’ in the end of any word. Then ‘al’ will be changed in the ‘aux’.

Example —

Animal    —    Animaux

4.     If there is ‘eu’ or ‘au’ in the end of any Noun. Then we will add ‘x’ after the ‘eu’ or ‘or’.

Example —

Cheveu        —        Chevaux

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Faire Verb in french

The meaning and use of faire verb are under.

Faire verb = To do / To make

In French, "faire" is a common irregular verb that means "to do" or "to make". Here are the conjugations of "faire" in the present tense:

  • Je fais (I do/make)
  • Tu fais (you do/make, informal singular)
  • Il/Elle/On fait (he/she/it does/makes, formal singular)
  • Nous faisons (we do/make)
  • Vous faites (you do/make, plural or formal singular)
  • Ils/Elles font (they do/make)

Here are some examples of "faire" in context:

  • Je fais du yoga tous les jours. (I do yoga every day.)
  • Tu fais la cuisine ce soir? (Are you cooking tonight?)
  • Il fait chaud aujourd'hui. (It's hot today.)
  • Nous faisons nos devoirs maintenant. (We are doing our homework now.)
  • Vous faites attention aux détails. (You pay attention to details.)
  • Elles font du shopping le weekend. (They go shopping on weekends.)

    "Faire" is also used in many idiomatic expressions in French, such as "faire la tête" (to sulk), "faire la vaisselle" (to do the dishes), and "faire des courses" (to go shopping). It is important to learn the proper conjugation of "faire" as it is a very common verb in French.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Aller Verb in French

Meaning and uses of Aller verb in french language are under.

Aller = To Go

In French, "aller" is an irregular verb that means "to go". Here are the conjugations of "aller" in the present tense:

  • Je vais (I go)
  • Tu vas (you go, informal singular)
  • Il/Elle/On va (he/she/it goes, formal singular)
  • Nous allons (we go)
  • Vous allez (you go, plural or formal singular)
  • Ils/Elles vont (they go)

Here are some examples of "aller" in context:

  • Je vais au cinéma ce soir. (I'm going to the movies tonight.)
  • Tu vas bien? (Are you doing well?)
  • Elle va souvent à la plage. (She often goes to the beach.)
  • Nous allons visiter Paris en septembre. (We are going to visit Paris in September.)
  • Vous allez à la fête ce soir? (Are you going to the party tonight?)
  • Ils vont à l'école tous les jours. (They go to school every day.)

"Avoir" is also used in many idiomatic expressions in French, such as "aller chercher" (to go get), "aller voir" (to go see), and "aller mieux" (to feel better). It is important to learn the proper conjugation of "aller" as it is a very common verb in French.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Avoir verb in French

Meaning and uses of Avoir verb in french language are under.

Avoir = To have. 

    In French, "avoir" is one of the two most commonly used verbs (the other being "être"). "Avoir" means "to have" and is an irregular verb, meaning it does not follow the regular conjugation pattern of -ER, -IR, or -RE verbs. Here are the conjugations of "avoir" in the present tense:

  • J'ai (I have)
  • Tu as (you have, informal singular)
  • Il/Elle/On a (he/she/it has, formal singular)
  • Nous avons (we have)
  • Vous avez (you have, plural or formal singular)
  • Ils/Elles ont (they have)

Here are some examples of "avoir" in context:

  • J'ai un chat. (I have a cat.)
  • Tu as faim? (Are you hungry?)
  • Il a beaucoup d'argent. (He has a lot of money.)
  • Nous avons un rendez-vous. (We have an appointment.)
  • Vous avez une belle maison. (You have a beautiful house.)
  • Elles ont des chiens et des chats. (They have dogs and cats.)

    "Avoir" is also used in many idiomatic expressions in French, such as "avoir besoin de" (to need), "avoir envie de" (to want), and "avoir l'air de" (to seem). It is important to learn the proper conjugation of "avoir" as it is a very common verb in French.

Être Verb in French

Meaning and uses of Être verb in French verb are following under.

Être = To be, 

In French, the verb "être" means "to be" and is one of the most important and commonly used verbs in the language. It is an irregular verb, meaning that it does not follow the regular conjugation patterns of regular verbs. Here are the different forms and rules for using "être" in French:

Conjugation of "être": Je suis (I am) Tu es (You are, informal) Il/Elle/On est (He/She/One is) Nous sommes (We are) Vous êtes (You are, formal/plural) Ils/Elles sont (They are)

Usage of "être":

  1. Describing people and things: "être" is often used to describe the characteristics, qualities, or conditions of people and things. For example, "Je suis grand" (I am tall), "Elle est intelligente" (She is intelligent), or "Le ciel est bleu" (The sky is blue).

  2. Identifying people and things: "être" is also used to identify people, places, and things. For example, "C'est moi" (It's me), "Il est docteur" (He is a doctor), or "La tour Eiffel est un monument célèbre" (The Eiffel Tower is a famous monument).

  3. Talking about professions: "être" is commonly used to talk about someone's profession or job. For example, "Je suis professeur" (I am a teacher) or "Il est avocat" (He is a lawyer).

  4. Expressing time and dates: "être" is used to express time, dates, and age. For example, "Il est midi" (It is noon), "Nous sommes en janvier" (It is January), or "J'ai 25 ans" (I am 25 years old).

  5. Forming compound tenses: "être" is used as an auxiliary verb in compound tenses such as the passé composé. For example, "J'ai été à Paris" (I have been to Paris) or "Ils sont partis" (They have left).

Rules for using "être":

  1. "être" is always followed by an adjective, noun, or preposition.
  2. "être" is an intransitive verb, meaning it cannot take a direct object.
  3. "être" is always conjugated to agree with the subject in gender and number.
  4. "être" is often used in idiomatic expressions such as "être en train de" (to be in the process of) or "être à l'heure" (to be on time).

    In conclusion, "être" is an essential verb in French and is used in various contexts to describe, identify, and express time and dates. By understanding its conjugation and usage rules, learners can effectively communicate and express themselves in French.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Greetings in French Language

Greetings- Salutation. in french. How we can wish good morning and good morning evening, thank you.  Some greetings are under.

Monday, April 12, 2021

Colours Name in French language

The colour = La couleur

    Colours are masculine in French when used as a noun, however when they are used as an adjective, certain names of colours will change to accord with the subject whilst others remain invariable. 

Colour names in French are under.

    Learning the names of colors in French can be helpful for everyday conversations, especially when talking about clothing, home decor, or describing things in your environment.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Monday, March 1, 2021

Fruits Name in French

Fruits name in french are under.

We use article according to the Gender in Fruit also.

How to define Weather in French

 How to define Weather condition in French is very easy. So here are some useful tips. It's sunny Il fait du soleil It's cloudy Il f...