Friday, February 26, 2021

French Articles

Articles in French

In French, articles are words used to indicate the gender and number of a noun. There are three types of articles in French: definite, indefinite, and partitive.

  1. Definite Articles: Definite articles are used to refer to specific things or people. In French, the definite articles are "le" for masculine nouns, "la" for feminine nouns, and "les" for plural nouns. For example:
  • Le chat (the cat)
  • La maison (the house)
  • Les fleurs (the flowers)
  1. Indefinite Articles: Indefinite articles are used to refer to non-specific things or people. In French, the indefinite articles are "un" for masculine nouns and "une" for feminine nouns. There is no indefinite article for plural nouns. For example:
  • Un livre (a book)
  • Une pomme (an apple)
  1. Partitive Articles: Partitive articles are used to refer to an unspecified quantity of something. In French, the partitive articles are "du" for masculine nouns, "de la" for feminine nouns, and "des" for plural nouns. For example:
  • Du pain (some bread)
  • De la salade (some salad)
  • Des fruits (some fruits)

It is important to learn and use French articles correctly as they can change the meaning of a sentence.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Why should you teach your kind french.

French language benefits for children's —

Learning French can offer several benefits, including:

  1. International language: French is an official language in 29 countries, making it a valuable tool for international communication. It is also the second most widely learned language after English.

  2. Career opportunities: Knowledge of French can open up career opportunities in various fields such as business, tourism, hospitality, international organizations, and diplomacy. French is the official language of organizations such as the United Nations, UNESCO, and the International Red Cross.

  3. Cultural enrichment: French language and culture have a rich history and offer an opportunity to immerse oneself in literature, music, art, and cinema. Learning French can broaden one's cultural horizons and facilitate a deeper understanding of French-speaking countries' people and their cultures.

  4. Enhance cognitive abilities: Research has shown that learning a second language can improve cognitive abilities, such as memory, problem-solving, and multitasking.

  5. Travel: French is spoken in several popular travel destinations such as France, Canada, Switzerland, Belgium, and parts of Africa. Knowing French can make travel more enjoyable and easier.

  6. Personal growth: Learning a new language can be a challenging but rewarding experience that can boost one's self-confidence, self-esteem, and personal growth.

Overall, learning French offers numerous benefits and can be a valuable asset both personally and professionally.

Friday, February 5, 2021

Countings in French

 Les compts - The Countings

    In French, numbers are an essential part of the language, and understanding them is crucial for basic communication, telling time, shopping, and more. Here is an overview of the French number system and some tips for learning and using numbers in French.

Cardinal Numbers:     The French number system is based on the decimal system, and the cardinal numbers from 1 to 20 are unique. Here are the cardinal numbers from 1 to 20 in French:

1 - un 2 - deux 3 - trois 4 - quatre 5 - cinq 6 - six 7 - sept 8 - huit 9 - neuf 10 - dix 11 - onze 12 - douze 13 - treize 14 - quatorze 15 - quinze 16 - seize 17 - dix-sept 18 - dix-huit 19 - dix-neuf 20 - vingt

    From 21 to 69, the numbers are formed by combining the tens and units. For example, 21 is "vingt et un" (20 and 1), 34 is "trente-quatre" (30 and 4), and 49 is "quarante-neuf" (40 and 9). From 70 to 99, the numbers are formed by combining the tens with "dix" (ten) and the units. For example, 71 is "soixante et onze" (60 and 11), 84 is "quatre-vingt-quatre" (80 and 4), and 96 is "quatre-vingt-seize" (80 and 16).

    From 100 to 1,000, the hundreds are formed by adding the cardinal number before "cent" (100), except for 100 itself, which is "cent." For example, 200 is "deux cents" (2 x 100), 500 is "cinq cents" (5 x 100), and 900 is "neuf cents" (9 x 100). From 1,000 and up, the thousands are formed by adding the cardinal number before "mille" (thousand). For example, 2,000 is "deux mille" (2 x 1000), 5,000 is "cinq mille" (5 x 1000), and 10,000 is "dix mille" (10 x 1000).

Ordinal Numbers: In French, ordinal numbers are formed by adding "-ième" to the cardinal number. For example, 1st is "premier" (masc.) or "première" (fem.), 2nd is "deuxième," 3rd is "troisième," and so on. However, the numbers 1, 2, and 3 have irregular forms: 1st is "premier/première," 2nd is "deuxième," and 3rd is "troisième."

Tips for Learning and Using Numbers in French:

    Practice regularly: Practice saying and writing numbers in French regularly to reinforce your knowledge.

    Pay attention to pronunciation: Pay attention to the pronunciation of numbers in French, as some can be tricky for English speakers.

    Memorize the unique numbers: Focus on memorizing the unique cardinal numbers from 1 to 20 and the irregular ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd).

    Learn key phrases: Learn key phrases for telling time, counting money, and asking for prices to apply your knowledge of numbers in practical situations.

    In conclusion, learning and using numbers in French is essential for basic communication and navigating everyday situations. By understanding the cardinal and

How to define Weather in French

 How to define Weather condition in French is very easy. So here are some useful tips. It's sunny Il fait du soleil It's cloudy Il f...