Sunday, July 4, 2021

Male to female change in Noun—Changement d'homme à femme dans le nom

Rule —1.

We can change any word male to female with the help of adding ‘e’ in the end of the word.

Example — 

1. Grand — Grande

2. Petit    —    Petite

Rule —2.

If there is ‘s’ in the end of the word, We can change ‘s’ into ‘sse’ to change Singular to Plural.

Rule —3

If there is ‘e’ in the end of any word, then spelling will be same for female noun.

Rule —4

If there is ‘eur’ in the end of any word. Then ‘eur’ will be changed into the ‘euse’

Example —

Chanteur — Chanteuse

Rule —5

If there is ‘L’ in the end of any word, The ‘L’ will be change into the ‘LLe’

Rule —6

If there is ‘cteur’ in the end of any word, then ‘cteur’ will be changed into the ‘ctrice’

Example —

Acteur (male actor) — Actrice (Female actor)

Rule —7

If there is ‘eau’ in the end of any word, then ‘eau’ will be changed into ’elle’.

Example —

Beau (handsome for male noun) — Belle (for female noun)

Rule —8

If any word ends with ‘en’, then ‘en’ will be changed into ‘enne’.

Example —

Indien — Indienne

Rule —9

If any word end with ‘on’, then ‘on’ will be changed into ‘onne’.

Example —

Bon — Bonne

Rule — 10

If any word ends with ‘er’, then ‘er’ will be changed into ‘ère’

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